More plans brewing in Wilburton from KG Investment
by Brian Miller; June 13, 2023

Back in 2016, KG Investment Properties paid $24 million for a large swath of land on Bellevue’s steadily shrinking old Auto Row, just east of Interstate 405. KGIP has since put up two substantial commercial buildings on separate properties nearby — also on the same stretch of the city’s Wilburton area.
Now, with architect Solomon Cordwell Buenz, the developer is preparing a new master development plan at 600 116th Ave. N.E. That’s the onetime former home to Bellevue Cadillac, among a half dozen other car dealers over past decades.
That heavily modified old building from 1960 is headed for a significant renovation. In recent filings with the city, KGIP calls that Phase 0 of its pending master plan. Solomon Cordwell Buenz is its architect.
Following south phases of new, ground-up construction aren’t yet specified. Those aren’t yet in SEPA review with the city. Nor does it appear that the city has yet received a master plan application.
In part that’s because the larger plan will likely depend on the city’s long-brewing upzone for Wilburton. The public comment period ended yesterday for a city-prepared draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) that folds Wilburton into an update of the city’s comprehensive plan. A city council vote on that may follow this year or next. Plans for the upzone date back to 2017.
So for the time being, the north renovation plan at 600 116th looks to be an interim use. In recent filings with the city, the architect writes, “Ahead of the construction of Phase I of a master plan, KGIP is seeking to renovate the existing Cadillac building, which is located on the northern-most parcel of the master plan, with the objective of renovating the existing building with new program and uses.”
The latter could include a food hall, bar, kitchen, new bathrooms and outdoor family-oriented dining area. A playground and food truck parking area are also contemplated on the east side of the building, which connects to Eastrail.
(That city-owned portion of the bike-ped trail is due for completion in the next year or two, and leads north to the new bridge above Northeast Eighth Street. That in turn connects to Wilburton Station, which may open in 2024 or 2025.)
For their future master plan, KGIP and SCB have about 6.6 acres to develop, also bounded by the elevated light rail tracks to the north. The assemblage includes a ground-leased parcel on its south end, currently home to a Volvo dealership. That south parcel is owned by a local family. KGIP inked a 99-year ground lease about the same time as the land sale to the north. (The entire assemblage directly north of the Trader Joe’s and REI building, previously developed by KGIP.)
For now, the former Cadillac building is home to Energy Auto Sales. Its demolition and redevelopment are likely years away, as a possible Phase III. Cadillac of Bellevue relocated a few years ago to the Bel-Red area.
Originally published on Daily Journal of Commerce. https://www.djc.com/news/re/12157293.html?action=get&id=12157293&query